Why Choose Handy Plumbing Man?
Same Day Appointments
We understand that you're in a hurry to get your life back to normal! Let's get you on our schedule today!
Free Estimates Available
There's no time to beat around the bush! Tell us about your problem and we'll give you an estimate upfront!
Up-Front, Flat Rate Pricing
Unlike the competition, we do not mark up our materials. You can expect wholesale pricing at the price we paid.
Over 15 Years of Experience
Plumbing problems are not DIY projects. You need help from a professional and we have the experience to back our work.
Locally Owned and Operated
We live here, too! We love our community and look forward to serving our neighbors each and every day!
Friendly & Fair Technicians
Rest easy knowing, our plumbers do not make commission and won't try to sell you services you don't need. We're just here to help!

Plumbing problems shouldn't ruin your day. We're here to help your home without hurting your wallet! Check out our coupons and specials or give us a call to learn more!
(650) 257-3629